We have all witnessed their antics in their home town, can you imagine the carnage they would cause abroad and the rows about who is with who, when they are all surrounded by half naked individuals of the opposite sex. We will have to wait and see what the summer specials hold in store. In the words of a Geordie- I cannae wait!!
If you're after a 'Reality' check you're in the right place. Reality-Ville is about to become your new best friend - from Manchester to LA, Sir Alan Sugar's Boardroom to Essex, we cover it all. Reality-Ville is a village of reality TV gossip and updates at your finger tips!!
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
One serious party
MIC cast celebrate their first hit series with a party.
Can't wait for the next series, this one was far too short!
Can't wait for the next series, this one was far too short!
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
United front from Mark and Lauren
Mark and Lauren present a united front on holiday in LA as Lauren announces wedding is on hold.
Check out their holiday snaps of them at the pool.
Check out their holiday snaps of them at the pool.
Doesn't matter how posh you portray yourself McDonalds is always an option. Cheska and Binky are caught having a sneaky Maccy D's.
I find it the biggest turn on that he shouting at me
I cannot believe that this series is already over – it has to be the shortest series of all soaps and reality programmes. Well this was an emotional last series as we saw the departure of Caggie and the final kiss goodbye between Caggie and Spencer.
Love the fact they tried to rein act the famous I’m running to the airport to try and stop my one love from leaving like in Friends when Rachel is about to leave. It also occurred to me that if I was moving to New York or anywhere in fact I would take more than a handbag and on flight suitcase.
I do love the fact that Spencer went to the polo with a girl on a date, then caggie appears so tells her to disappear for a while, then kisses Caggie and finally ditches her to rush to the airport. Doubt she will be back in contact.
I was starting to think that Binky and Cheska were ditching Gabby in favour of Ollie so it was nice to see them hanging out again. Although I must say well done Gabby for getting a date and showing Ollie that its not just him that can turn up with a date, his face was priceless. However I am not sure if anyone else noticed they walked away from Ollie but seemed to be walking towards nothing, an empty field in fact.
It was only in this last episode however that I noticed that there is a massive height difference between Spencer and Hugo. How have I missed this?
It also seems that Cheska may be the dark horse of everyone – they do say it’s the quiet ones, with her quote ‘I find it the biggest turn on that he shouting at me…it’s quite nice to be dominated’, ok a little strange.
I am going to have to find another show to fill my time and watch – it’s a good job there is another round the corner. The UK version of The Bachelor is soon to be launched with Gavin Henson as the starring man – worth a few laughs I’m sure.
Caggies flys solo and moves to New York.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Billie Faiers has a body to die for. Check out her holiday snaps on the link below. Well jel!
Friday, 24 June 2011
Rollercoaster loves lives!!
You have to check this Daily Mail article out!! I cannot keep up with Spencers love life. Now we find out that his now ex Chloe Green has been getting with bisexual Ollie - seriously!! I am struggling to believe this however I am happy that it looks like Caggie and Spencer are back on!!
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Parlez vous Anglais?...Non....Au revoir!!
This weeks task was to choose 2 items from a collection of items designed in Britain and then sell them in the French capital.
Set in the beautiful and artistic French city, Paris it seemed that a few of this weeks candidates were less than clued up on what makes Paris, Paris. Once again Susan did not fail to amuse us, this week while examining the items her deciding questions were ‘do the French like their kids?’, ‘do the French drive?’, ‘are they eco-friendly?’. Absolutley classic questions from Susan and Karen’s face was a picture, I seriously don’t know how she and Nick keep straight faces. However we may laugh at Susan but this week her team, team Venture did actually win the task hands down and set a new record for the board room by achieving unit sales of over £200,000 from one pitch. Helen pitched their child seat rucksack to La Redoute and achieved unit sales of £214,000, think its safe to say that if she wasn’t already on Sir Alan’s radar for 8 wins in a row, she certainly is now after that pitch!
Ventures child seat rucksack Venture's Universal grip
How did Logics revenue compare to Ventures revenue? … pretty miserably to say the least. They had a revenue of only £11,705 from their teapot lamp and cress postcard and failed to secure any sales from the appointment set up by Sir Alan at La Redoute. Tom clearly had not researched of heard of La Redoute as he tried to offer them a sale of 10 units ... think they had something a little bigger in mind considering that they are one of the biggest companies.
Logic's Cress postcard
I actually thought that Sir Alan would make all 4 Logic team members return to the board room however it was Leon, Tom and Melody that faced the chop. Due to her tiger like fighting spirit Melody managed to save herself and eventually Leon was axed due to his lack of contribution on this task. Leon's reasoning for not assisting much with the challenge was, 'I couldn’t help or do anything as I couldn’t speak French', in actual fact Melody only asked one question in French which was - 'do you speak English' of which nearly all her contacts did and she continued the conversation in English. How could he not read one sentence in French in beyond me?!
Au Revoir Leon!!
I am guessing that Natasha or Tom will be axed next week after Sir Alan pointing out she was lucky to be saved by Tom.
Monday, 20 June 2011
Ollie Ollie Ollie
Made Up??
I've always wondered when they say some scenes are staged for entertainment purposes if they actually mean all of what you are about to see is made up, especially when you see how bad they are at acting. I have definitely had my suspicions about Made in Chelsea.
The recent public announcement from Spencer that that he his now dating Chloe Green has now ruined the excitement of the on screen relationship Spencer has been having with Funda and Caggie. I did wonder if it has all been staged but have since discovered that the show is actually filmed 6 weeks prior to airing, this doesn't stop me wishing that Caggie and Spencer make a go of it!!
Apologies if I have now ruined this aspect of Made in Chelsea for anyone.
The recent public announcement from Spencer that that he his now dating Chloe Green has now ruined the excitement of the on screen relationship Spencer has been having with Funda and Caggie. I did wonder if it has all been staged but have since discovered that the show is actually filmed 6 weeks prior to airing, this doesn't stop me wishing that Caggie and Spencer make a go of it!!
Apologies if I have now ruined this aspect of Made in Chelsea for anyone.
Friday, 17 June 2011
I've had longer relationships with a pair of socks
Well once again Geordie Shore did not disappoint us. It is becoming impossible to keep up with who’s on and who’s off. It’s like a bad soap drama. There’s no guessing who we are on about either….Vicky and Jay and Charl and Gary !
This week we got to witness a different side of Vicky as she became wild and single…but for how long? Her antics in the club got her branded by her friends as ‘Possessed like the exorcist’ as Vicky her self admitted she had ‘had longer relationships with a pair of socks’.
Next we have Charl and Gary who started this week as singles but Gary was as cocky as ever stating ‘if I want the story to continue, that’s no problem’. However Gary decided to pursue the girl from the bar- who for the first time he actually took out on a Greg Style date, and actually wined and dined her and put her in a cab. It seemed that Gray was turning a leaf and converting into a gentle man. As you can imagine Charl was not pleased and branded his new flame an inbetweener, as she didn’t have inches of makeup, fake tan and fake hair. She found it hard to understand the attraction he had to an inbetweener instead of a worldy girl like her. Charl then declared that Gary and her were over as he had ‘pissed on the flame, and the wind has blown the ashes away’. But we all know it didn’t end that way – in fact in ended with Gary and Charl in bed together with Sophie in the next bed, and Charl asking – ‘Why do we keep doing this?’.
With all this going on in the house it's no wonder the boys Greg and James are feeling a little left out and fed up, which is why they decided to go on a lads night out. It was just a shame that every single club was absolutely dead. The one bar they did spot a hotty in Greg went up to make his move only for the girls mum to appear. In all fairness James tried to take one for the team and tried hitting on the mum, I am happy however that she didn't fall for it. They both came back empty handed apart from a pizza and burger.
Let’s wait to see what next week holds – a lot more of the above at a wild guess.
Engineered Exit
Week seven brought about another challenging task for this years candidates – I do wonder how some of these people got on the show and operate in business.
This week task was to create a ‘Fremium Magazine’ and pull in the highest advertising revenue.
It appeared that a few individuals were lacking some basic advertising knowledge. It’s a very well know thing that with advertising comes negotiation – A rate card is not a fixed thing. Maybe if Jim had known this he would have had a chance at winning the task.
Venture headed up by Jim opted for an over 60’s magazine with the theme 60’s are the new 30’s. The initial concept was to move away from the cliché concept that life is over at 60. In all fairness they had identified a gap in the market and the focused group loved the idea of having something different to read that didn’t include knitting patterns, denture information and crosswords. If only they had stuck rigidly to the above the outcome could have been different.
However they start of the down hill spiral started with the name ‘Hip Replacement’ – supposedly a play on words as in Hip meaning – cool and youthful, however mixed with the font style and imagery the whole magazine looked standard, old and non adventurous. I’m just glad they stayed away from ‘Coffin Dodger’, they definitely wouldn’t have got anywhere with that. If they had listened to the ‘coffin dodgers’ in the focus meeting they wanted something jokey and humorous like: - Zimmer or Oldies. Personally I think Zimmer would have gone down a storm, it’s catchy, relevant and humorous.
Logic headed up by Natasha went the other end of the scale and decided to create a Lads mag with a slightly high end business feel. The magazine titled Covered was out dated and an old version of Loaded and looked exactly like any Lads mag with a half naked girl on the front. I am just happy they didn’t go for their other option for the title – Naked Free that would have been total cheese.
I some how feel that a category titled, How to Blow Your Load – does not scream high end or lads mag with a difference. That might be because Natasha didn’t really want to listen to her Focus group as she thought they were ‘quite focused’ – surely that’s the best type of focus group. Her range was 21- 35, she asked a local rugby team who gave great feedback and didn’t really listen to them.
Team Logic ended up winning the task – but generating more revenue than Venture. Jim brought Susan and Glenn into the boardroom with him, and the insults started flying. Susan was like to a Bambi and a mouse. Then the ‘mouse roared like a lion’ (Sir Alan) and Jim was criticised was being a ‘passive aggressive’ (Karen) and like trying to nail jelly to wall (Nick), because he never isolates himself and takes responsibility.
Despite all of the above insults the mouse trap did not snap, the jelly slipped through and Glenn was fired.
Lord Sugar said: 'I've had problems the past few weeks grasping what your USP is...
'I've never come across an engineer who can turn his hands to business. You're fired.'
What will next week bring?
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Take your passion, Make it happen.
Take your passion, Make it happen was the title of this weeks Made in Chelsea. There was definitely no shortage of passion or heart break in this episode. Hugo found himself in the middle of a Millie - Rosie triangle, after finally deciding he wanted Rosie and rejected Millie he then finds himself on the receiving end as Rosie rejects him. And then there was just one, well actually Hugo is never far away from Spencer.
Spencer also found himself in an awkward situation as he finds himself in a room with his girlfriend, his ex-girlfriend and the girl he fancies. If that wasn't awkward enough the ex decides to add fuel to the fire by warning Funda about Caggie. Finally Spencer has seen sense and finished his dead end relationship and now we will get to see Spence and Caggies relationship blossom. I really wish that we could watch next weeks on plus one.
Spencer also found himself in an awkward situation as he finds himself in a room with his girlfriend, his ex-girlfriend and the girl he fancies. If that wasn't awkward enough the ex decides to add fuel to the fire by warning Funda about Caggie. Finally Spencer has seen sense and finished his dead end relationship and now we will get to see Spence and Caggies relationship blossom. I really wish that we could watch next weeks on plus one.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
What a load of rubbish!
Rubbish is a part of everyday life, we make it, use it and recycle it – but we also talk a lot of it.
One thing these candidates can do is talk a lot of rubbish, and normally its a lot of talk with no action, that was certainly Edna today.
It wasn’t the most interesting of episodes but working and talking about rubbish was never going to be, however Logic did manage to break their record of 5 loses in a row- well done Helen. It also made me want to start my own rubbish company – what a way to make money – all you need is a truck and domestic trash holds the cash.
I am almost gutted that Susie didn’t go apart from the fact that she makes me laugh every week with the ridiculous comments that come out of her mouth.
In all fairness it was a very close call with only £6 between a win and a lose. I think Sir Alan has a soft spot for Zoe. Next weeks challenge certainly sounded and looked interesting.
Another one bites the dust!
Geordie Urban Dictionary
No wonder why they use subtitles on this programme. I can barely understand what they are saying and its not just because of their accent its also their use of Geordie slang words that I have no idea what they mean, I find my self having to look up these words to understand. Never fear below is a Geordie dictionary below for all you non Geordies.
Tashing - on: Kissing with a partner
In their like swimwear: To express a real desire to get involved in a certain situation (more specifically, fun drunken times)
To be mortal - To be drunk, Geordie-style
Canny Shan: means something like a nice thing, good situation.
Whey aye, man:That's right
Banker: Someone who's just their when you haven't pulled.
Tashing - on: Kissing with a partner
In their like swimwear: To express a real desire to get involved in a certain situation (more specifically, fun drunken times)
To be mortal - To be drunk, Geordie-style
Canny Shan: means something like a nice thing, good situation.
Whey aye, man:That's right
Banker: Someone who's just their when you haven't pulled.
‘Tashing on’ was the word of the night and also seemed to be the theme of the episodet
Whether it was the Shakespearean tragedy waiting to happen Gary and Charlotte, tricky Vicky and Jay or open relationship Holly it was all about tashing this episode. For those of you who aren't up to speed on Geordie slang, tashing on means Kissing with a partner
However Charlotte went one step further with Gary than tashing despite her being adamant that she wouldn’t. She obviously couldn’t resist the parsnip, and ended up walking like John Wayne. Charlotte kindly informed us that she wouldn’t go there again as if she had ‘one more giant parsnip she would have to go to hospital’ and she felt like he had ‘poked her brain’. Let’s hope that she listens to her friends and stops being Gary’s banker.
How do you like yours?
Looks like Gary might be the first to do the ditching , as he has arranged a Greg style date with his favourite barmaid. What can this mean?
Vicky and Jay spent another episode – talking , arguing and tashing, nothing different then. These 2 need to sort it out, stop playing games and work out what they want, although I think we already know Jay’s mission as he kindly shared with the lads ‘ My mission is to bang Vicky’, I’m sure she would love to know that, but she cant take a man serious with his top off and eye brows waxed.
The arrival of Holly’s boyfriend to the house caused an awkward atmosphere. The big question was how would he react to Gary after knowing that Gary and his missus had tashed on – little does he know that it was more than that. After a night of face eating and motor boating , Holly obviously couldn’t live without it and after her emotional statement – ‘I’m trying to be strong but I can’t , I’m leaving’ , Holly departed the house, yet no one had even noticed she had left. Will she return? That remains unknown.
That's more than once now Ollie!!!
Correct me if I am wrong - isn't Made in Chelsea about being rich - being rich means you dont wear clothes in public twice? Seems Ollie is doing the opposite, I am loosing count of how many times he has worn this jacket. Time to get a new jacket Ollie!!!
Sunday, 5 June 2011
I love that the awkward moment when Ollie came out to Gabby now has a facebook page dedicated to that moment!!
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Dog eat Dog
It’s Week 5, 12 candidates remaining and one pet food challenge to separate the pedigree from the runt.
Vincent led team logic on their dog food quest to failure once again – this is the 5th lose in a row now for Logic – not a good track record. Vincent should have listened to the Vet in the focus group, the whole point of a focus group is to gather market research, the Vet a trained professional in animals did say ‘you can’t target every dog type due to size, they all have different requirements’, but Vincent thought he knew best and had found a gap in the market only to be told at the end that he had committed the biggest faux par in pet food marketing and marketing itself. Maybe if he hadn’t drooled over Jim’s every word he might have had his on idea, or as Nick described them – they were acting like Batman and Robin. Apart from their marketing name and concept they did well. Don’t think he’ll forget that a dog is meant to be special to its owner so serving up ‘Every Dog’ isn’t going to cut it as it may as well be called ‘ Any old dog’.
Team Venture did triumph again in this task, I wasn’t totally sold on Catsize – a play on Cats Eyes, but as a product it worked especially as they did their market research well and found out that over half the cat population is over weight. That’s probably because they spend all day rummaging in the trash cans. I must say I am mighty disappointed they didn’t decide to cast the furless cat that looked like a rat, how that could not sell a product. Maybe Glen’s theory of no guts no glory does work – at the end of the day he is a designer and unlike Susan from last week who claimed to be an expert, he did actually design the product and won the challenge.
Sir Alan threw a bone in the works by firing both Ellie and Vincent. Ellie because it’s week 5 and she has done almost nothing – she has been like a little mouse and Vincent because he was playing a game of friends. By not bring Jim into the boardroom he had already put himself on the line. If Vincent had brought Jim into the boardroom he probably would still be in the house as Jim was the culprit for the name ‘Every Dog’ and good ammunition for Sir Alan to fire him over Vincent.
Bye Ellie and Vincent
2 out 10 left!
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Geordie Shore
Last night proved to be another jaw dropping episode from Geordie Shore. I am pretty sure that the disclaimer at the beginning of the show isn't enough warning to explain what you are about to witness.
Charlotte was clearly happy with her hook up last time if not a little gob smacked by his well endowed parsnip. I think Charlotte has misunderstood the size of a parsnip and she seems to think 'he punctured someones lung or something before'. I hope for the poor girl sake that this did not happen.
The episode started with 2 couples Gary and Charlotte and Vicky and Jay - but it didn't stay that way for long after the boys decided to host a dinner party. Greg decided to show the boys his tried and tested method of picking up girls by 'wining, dining and banging'!! Nice way of courting there Greg. As it turned out the girls numbers Greg had collected the week before were all air heads and couldn't even sit on the edge of the hot tub without falling in. But this didn't stop Gary - what a surprise. Gary's antics are starting to bring out Psycho Charlotte but according to Vicky the problem is Gary is like a 'Venus Fly trap and Charlotte keeps hovering on the border of his jaws', unless she moves away she will keep getting bitten. If I was Gary I wouldn't mess with Vicky after her cat fight in the night club, yes this week it was the girls who got in a fight not the boys. Unfortunately for Gary - who thought he had Charlotte on a plate, she passed out cold on him, not even a few shoves could wake her up. That taught him, finally he couldn't act like the cat that got the cream.
I don't knows who's idea it was to put more than one bed in a room, but there was one scene in particular that I couldn't believed they actually aired. What makes it worse is that before anyone had even risen Sophie's Mum and Dad turned up with Pizza. Sophie was waking up to her coyote - or was it the other way round? just as her parents rocked up to the aftermath of the night before.
Final thought from last nights Geordie Shore is that of Charlotte's hair in her video diary - there is no way she thought that hair-do was good - she must have been dared, if not thanks for the laughs Charlotte.
Charlotte was clearly happy with her hook up last time if not a little gob smacked by his well endowed parsnip. I think Charlotte has misunderstood the size of a parsnip and she seems to think 'he punctured someones lung or something before'. I hope for the poor girl sake that this did not happen.
The episode started with 2 couples Gary and Charlotte and Vicky and Jay - but it didn't stay that way for long after the boys decided to host a dinner party. Greg decided to show the boys his tried and tested method of picking up girls by 'wining, dining and banging'!! Nice way of courting there Greg. As it turned out the girls numbers Greg had collected the week before were all air heads and couldn't even sit on the edge of the hot tub without falling in. But this didn't stop Gary - what a surprise. Gary's antics are starting to bring out Psycho Charlotte but according to Vicky the problem is Gary is like a 'Venus Fly trap and Charlotte keeps hovering on the border of his jaws', unless she moves away she will keep getting bitten. If I was Gary I wouldn't mess with Vicky after her cat fight in the night club, yes this week it was the girls who got in a fight not the boys. Unfortunately for Gary - who thought he had Charlotte on a plate, she passed out cold on him, not even a few shoves could wake her up. That taught him, finally he couldn't act like the cat that got the cream.
I don't knows who's idea it was to put more than one bed in a room, but there was one scene in particular that I couldn't believed they actually aired. What makes it worse is that before anyone had even risen Sophie's Mum and Dad turned up with Pizza. Sophie was waking up to her coyote - or was it the other way round? just as her parents rocked up to the aftermath of the night before.
Final thought from last nights Geordie Shore is that of Charlotte's hair in her video diary - there is no way she thought that hair-do was good - she must have been dared, if not thanks for the laughs Charlotte.
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