I don't even know where to start with this - they are fowl! If you thought their antics in the north was bad, the Magaluf happenings have nothing on them, they don't even come close to touching the sides!
The first night Jay had a 3-some, with 2 sisters after kicking Vikki out of the bed! It's one thing doing it it's another kicking someone out of bed- seriously guys where is the respect!

What gets me is their lack of hygiene, no one seems to change the sheets, but they all share beds - they are lying on someone else's love juice - who really wants that! Then again Gary the ramping rabbit is happy to do it anywhere, and its about time that Charlotte got over him and stopped denying that his antics don't get to her - the lady doth protest too much!

I don't even know what is going on with James - he couldn't pull in England and now he cant pull in Magaluf! I think he could do with some lessons from Gray and Jay!

I would also like to highlight that the girls seem to wear more clothes during the day than when they go out in the evening , what is that about? Isn't the idea to sunbath and get a tan! Strange people!
It would also appear that after seeing herself on TV and all her psycho outbursts that Vikki has been to anger management counselling or something similar as she seems to be a new person.
Part one is down - I wonder what part 2 will hold, more sordid antics I am sure!
Um.. ew?